Pop, pop, pop go the fireworks, incessantly on through the night.
Pop, pop, pop goes the american dream. And I'm just tryin' to watch some TV.
Pop, pop, pop they go and on we dance into the evenings spending more on fireworks than we could imagine dropping at Waldenbooks.
I don't know, something about fireworks really irk me. I know, I know, I should be more understanding, more a 'patriot', but then again my definition of a patriot is Michael Moore. Yeah I said it: Michael fucking Moore. And you all hate him...
This psuedowar and all those fucks up there on podiums, coupled with flags people will put away tommorrow, it just drives me crazy.
What is patriotism to you?
Seems to me like another way to pull the puppett strings of society. Seems like it was something pure, when we were younger, that simply should eat itself, reform, and research for another way to change. Patriotism definitely involves change... and yet its always lumped in with some nostalgia for men I've never met who were nothing like our history books said (and not nearly as mean as we'd make them out to be either, fucking propaganda on both sides... anyway).
I don't understand why imaginary lines matter so much. I don't like the us vs. them mentality. This is the base roots of hatred here folks. Nationalism, is there anything worse? or misguided?
Look, I hope you understand - I love this country, I love its people, I love our opportunities, I support our troops, I believe in them as much as I question their unquestioned responses (but thats another story for another day), I am glad to live in a democracy. I am glad we won the fucking war, I'm glad we have a constitution, I'm all for it, but something tells me I have put a little more thought into all of this than most of the people out there, and something tells me that makes me better. Yeah I said it: better. What's more, as much I love this country I want to include everyone else, I want Mexicans to be able to enjoy our freedom, hell I want Iraquis to enjoy our freedom and there in lies the problem: I don't believe in bombs and bullets, while I'm hesitant to put my faith in diplomacy knowing how misguided and selfish the leaders of men are. So what am I left to support? I don't know.
I do know that I am leary of nationalism, that I fear our percieved patriots (Tom Brady aside), and yet I also know that I am left to conclude that we have a moral obligation to everyone else in the world and now I sound like a stupid republican wanting to bring the light and I just get more confused.
Don't think this is a letter of anger, even if it began that way, understand that this is a letter of confusion; the conflicting ideas are calling me, both with halfmerits and improbables, and I am entirely in a state of unrest on this issue.