Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I take a day off from the internet and return to insults? You are out line Marasmus and will pay!

What a great day yesterday. Apparently the gifts from god are gonna keep on cumming... no softball game, rained out, so we sat in the pavilion drinking beers, making toasts, meeting new friends. Went back to Weber's, smashed on some food, went swimming, drank a little more, and finally went to bed around 5 am, only to be woke up by greene's wake up call at 5:30. He had to call off work.
We out to lunch with my dad, greene, and step mother today. Bought a guitar amp. And then the good news:
I bought a motorcylce, that's right a freaking motorcycle! I had to cancel my trip to new york to save funds. Its a good deal in the long run.

I love my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow!!! seems like someone had an amazing day.

9:56 PM  
Blogger klaurel said...

hella cool. happy birthday.

6:07 AM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

get your motor running...
and chris, uncle tim is going to sell his bike to. maybe we can learn to ride together?

1:04 PM  

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