Monday, July 11, 2005

I've redited, by unediting my post from last sunday. At first I just wrote what was up, but then I thought maybe I should leave my sexual exploits off of this page (and it will remain my stance), however I think last saturday night was enough of a life changing moment that it could be contained here...

I guess I've got to be who I am... good and bad... one night stands come along rather rarely and this particular one really soothed my soul, so to speak; it was like a little gift from god, a beautiful little soul to spend an evening with, relax, and step outside of time, place, etc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

one night stands are a bad thing? Really?

I don't think so. They are just a step along the way to finding our true love

Wow that sounds poetic.

8:31 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

a bad thing? I called it a gift from god...
as far as a step along the way to finding true love, I don't know. I definitely think sex is an important part of it all, but I'd like to avoid disease/children/all other problems associated with simple sex...
I do think I should partake again... and again... and again... working wedding bars should provide ample opportunity

9:46 PM  

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