Tuesday, May 17, 2005

for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost my self...

Crazy long dreams last night. First one I am in my back yard, all these white glowing, ex-fileish, aliens are surrounding me and I feel completely comfortable. I woke up and lay in bed; I couldn't stop feeling this sense of peace. (of course I then rolled over allowing my scrapped up knee, softball, to touch the sheets and howlled in pain) Other dreams involved friends and wierd phones. My favorite involved me eating a snickers, the whole dream I am walking through a retail store eating the best snickers of my life. What kind of fucking dream is that?

I think I was exhausted and a little euphoric when I layed down last night. My eased mind probably spured these dreams. Probably, if there is any purpose to dreaming... I do know that dreams of eating candy bars are cool with me...

The last month I have been pushing my self with work and have not had a 'day off' in a very long time. I like it. I feel productive. Now thats not to say that I can't wait for the high school to close so I can get some of that sleep back.

In school this semester I got an A- in my english methods class (would have been an A had I not missed so many classes). Sure makes me feel better after that rousing E in spanish methods last fall.

I also recieve a B+ in my spanish literature. That is the literature of spain, not so much the literature created by spanish speakers. The catholic church in Spain simultaneously prevented so many great works and spawned such heroic responses. If I ever get a chance I would like to read some more literature specifically directed at this topic: the catholic church in spain and its strangle hold over literature and works of theatre... some day, be it suffice to stay that religion took that country from splitting the world in two with Portugal to rotting in debt in less than two hundred years... then there were outside rulers and finally a civil war... and a worse dictator after that...


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