Tuesday, April 26, 2005

of course I should move out... however, that is not an option. So I'll take some time and figure out a way to make it through one more year downriver. One more year and I am out. not that long if you parse it up nicely enough: a summer to relax, a fall to study, a winter to student teach and I am out of this bitch...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you going? I want to go back to Washington; I think about it all the time.

2:53 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

anywhere is better than here?

I like Vegas, something about spending my formulative years as a an adult in 'sin city' is very appealing.

When I go to N.Y. this summer I intend to spend a day or two looking into teaching in the city...

Denver would be nice, same with seattle...

mexico... now I'm dreaming

12:01 AM  

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