Monday, April 11, 2005

As a nation
What will they say about us when we are gone?
that we were great men? that we conquered disease? Solved starvation? Equated mathematical figures well beyond our means?
Will they say that we created works of art that stood the test of time? Or that we lived in the moment, and created art for that moment? Just what will the future say about Jessica Simpson?
Maybe they will say that we were lazy, that we spent our hours condemned to a chair and a remote. That we lived selfish sheltered lives, away from friends and family persueing only personal goals.
Will they mention that our children hardly knew us? That our fathers bailed and our mothers failed to stick around as well? That everyone had jobs and nobody had money?
Maybe they'll just say that we were a complex people, some of us striving to help their communities, others living off of their communities.

Me, I think when it's all said and done the historians will point at Rome, and its world dominance turned into games back home, to make their point: to say that success eats itself the moment a country becomes engorged in the fruits and ignorant to the pains.
I think whent it's all said and done we will not shine brightly through the lens of time, but rather be dulled out, ignored, by the madness that made us and the madness unto which we will return.

What do you think? I'm certainly no source...


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