Monday, April 11, 2005

you do realize the truth is a lot more loaded than we'd like, right?

There is truth, Fox Moulder wasn't searching in vain, it's just very difficult to ascertain... I'm almost pushing the borders of determinism lately - at least in that the past is determinable, but I'll never believe that we could predict the future, or that we are destined to do anything...

It's funny but I like to call up pop culture sometimes to support my arguements, anyway remember in Jurassic Park when the scientist is pouring a drop of water down the paleintoligist palm? He states that it will run different directions every time, or at least cannot be predicted. However, I think that you can't ever have the same situations, due to time, but maybe that if you understood everything at that moment you could predict where the drop would go... It'd sound a lot smarter if I talked about some atomic isotope or another, but TV works for now...
Can you believe in truth and free will? are the two intertwined? MAybe I am just joining shit that shouldn't ever see eachother... but, to me, lately, I think the two are adjoined (in a cosmic sense).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you believe in truth and free will? Truth aside, I can't see how people believe in free will at all. It's the notion that our actions are not the result of antecedant events, but not random either. Free will is that funny little black box just about everybody believes in, despite the fact it seems to defy logic. Well, what can I say? I believe in logic.

3:23 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

yeah, but logic is always being undone by some idiot who has no idea at all what is going on...
you think free will is weak, logic lacks at a whole 'nother level; logic only works when everyone is on the same page...

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we're using logic differently. When somebody does something stupid, we may say they are acting illogically. But in the free will/determinism debate, the same set of actions might well have a logical, deterministic cause.

11:02 AM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

oh, we're talking about the same thing... and as a matter of fact we are very, very close to seeing the same thing, I just can't believe that we could ever calculate just how stupid someone is going to be or how they are going to be stupid.

Ignorance is free will in motion.

11:01 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

oh, we're talking about the same thing... and as a matter of fact we are very, very close to seeing the same thing, I just can't believe that we could ever calculate just how stupid someone is going to be or how they are going to be stupid.

Ignorance is free will in motion.

11:03 PM  

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