Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I get so caught up and busy sometimes that I am actually suprised when I find, in the back of my notebook, these words penned some time in class... (further proof that as pessimistic as I may seem, I am in fact an eternal enthusiast)

Don’t drown, my friends,

Dream daily.
Dream about anything,
it doesn’t matter why.

Dream, my friends, don’t drown.

Dream out loud.
Tell me your dreams,
send them over email,
tell me on the phone,
or over a bottle of beer.
Tell me everything…

Or don’t.

Dream on paper,
follow the pen,
write down every
imaginable interaction.
Dream in your mind alone,
share no secrets with anyone,
and enjoy the enlightenment instilled
in each and everyone of us.

Dream in the morning,
during your commute.
(the early morning depression
be damned!)
Dream at lunch,
in between bites of bread.
Dream at home,
late at night, alone
or intertwined.

Dream in your sleep;
its where I began.

Dream in class.
I often dream in class:
dream in class about the girl sitting next to me.

Dare to dream about love,
about life,
God, and everything ever after.
Dream on your belly in front of the TV,
I don’t care where, just dream.
Dream, dream, dream, dream about whatever you want.
-Just dream.

Don’t drown, dream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay I am jealous! You wrote this amazing poem in class and now look what I usually write in class

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Seminar sucks,
and so do YOU!

He wakes up in the morning
He is feeling happy---he is feeling good.
He gets himself a Bratwurst
just like every real German should.
His wife is preparing the Sauerkraut,
she hasn't shaved in months,
their sons are having breakfast,
their names are Klaus and Hans.

It is not fair!!!! haha

1:42 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

I like your poem! We all need to use the word bratwurst more often in our poetry... along with klaus and Hans.
German people have some serious names...

I think I should 'shape up' what I've written, maybe into a more formal 'who was' style poem, sorta like howl...

11:08 PM  

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