Tuesday, March 08, 2005

well its been a while but I'm back...
All I do is work again, work and dream of sleep. I have class in an hour and I am about to sleep. Got out of subbing at 2:30 and for the last freaking two hours I have read just about every newspaper article, fantasy football site, and lions news piece ever written.
boredom, so tired, boredom... I'm getting sleepy...
I think i am just going to go buy some coffee and get pumped for class... or I could just buy a pint.
I wish I had something wise to say...

how bout this: what is it with dishonesty? most of the time that we are lieing (we all lie, some more than others) it has so much more to do with our own comfort level than any intention of decieving those whom we are addressing. We find some small categorical truth and then rest our laurels on it as we explain to another why we have to do this or can't make that, when in reality a simple no would do.
honesty is just too difficult sometimes, or so we percieve it to be...
one more tip, the more elaborate the excuse, or the more important they think it is, the more likely they are lieing...


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