Thursday, February 24, 2005

sanity, my friends, is not statistical. Remember that as you will be tested on it later... I am going to do 1984 for my class unit. Two reasons: one, I don't feel as though I am in control over the harlem renaisance writing - I am even a little bit uncomfortable teaching black authors to black children, I feel as though I can only be a facilitator: I can say, here children this is Lanston Hughes, I cannot teach you about your hardship and how to write about it, but he can. Today langston, not Mr. D., is your teacher... and I think that will work when the time comes, but for an ed. class, which has to be fancy and full of fluff I need something I can master. Enter '1984', great book, my favorite topic, this is a no-brainer. Nick send me everything you find, as you always do, I am counting on your help.
I am sick today, but I've managed to put a positive spin on things. I am eating chinese, watching movies, and feeling not so much my body heal but my mind... being sick is like taking a shit at work: you are free and noone wants to bother you, plus you have a natural reason for not getting things done... an interesting metaphor, but one that works.
peace out,
love jdon
all this medicine is making me high


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll see what I can rustle up for 1984 for ye. I've taught that for 5 years now and it blows their minds.

BTW, this whole blogger thing is pretty intimidating. I couldn't come up with a cool name for my site or a jazzy login name like "Mav" or "Goose" so I'll go with anonymous.

6:59 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

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3:06 AM  

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