Monday, February 21, 2005

R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson...

The last three days all I have done is work and drink. Now I have class in three hours and I am far from prepared... ah life.
Opportunity costs really...
Harlem Renaisance it is... any tips? all ideas welcome...
James, Dan, and I may have had the first meeting of what could come to be THE literary community of our lives last night. Too bad Nick and Chris weren't there...
The idea is this: every year, for a month or so, we rent a house (different locations) and create art under a theme. The first one is friendship and you will all get filled in later...
There's more to it, of course, but we'll have to flesh it out over a drink.
The plan for now is to think about friendship, your friends, and how you could express you interpretation of friendship through an essay, a poem, a painting, a short story, whatever...


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