Monday, February 14, 2005

in the spirit of old saint valentine...
My cousin often reads here and then comments to me through my email. What he sent me this morning included, among other things, was something that I thought belonged here:
"There is an aloneness in the human heart during marriage btw. Not sure if the priest was all right,but I don't think he was all wrong."

The message changed my oppinion from the other day (not that my oppinions don't sway anyway). I don't know much about marriage, but I do know that aloneness in the human heart is probably unavoidable even in heaven; if we are something unto ourselves, then we must be individual. If we are individual then even our maker must take a time out every so often. Right? God does not control my everyday actions. He could, but then I wouldn't be me would I?

So, there is even aloneness in heaven. And we're supposed to wander the earth in good spirits?
But this gets me back to my original point: we are supposed to intertwine, we are supposed to communicate, we are supposed to temper the individuality with conversations and acts of charity. And what is charity but teamwork...

It all comes down to teamwork.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intertwining is a good description, I think. In marriage it's easy to be roommates - it takes effort to intertwine and be lifemates. There's times when one wants and needs healthy alone to recreate, focus, rest, and pray and there's time to interact, intertwine, communicate, converse, and share.

10:27 PM  

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