Wednesday, February 02, 2005

a good young god-fearing man from work quit last week to join the army... and I applaud his decision. I know you know that I hate war and I hate the government, I just don't see the soldier in the same light. I tend to see the soldier as the hero: the ultimate warrior-poet risking their life to protect my freedom... I admire his ability to put his love into motion...

on a side note I am now on probation for the first time in my life. It's not all that serious, but I have to call if I leave the state and some other bullshit... these cops and judges are all part of a big money making scam - its self-serving and disgusting if you ask me...

I feel so defeated that I didn't even have an incling to say anything other than 'yes sir' and 'no sir' today... they set the system up to give you the minimal penalty and yet you are still on probation for six months and you still have to pay 300$ just because you broke some silly city ordinance. Am I guilty - yes. should I be treated this way? fuck no. and you shouldn't be either...


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