Thursday, January 06, 2005

"carry on my wayward son..."
there was a discussion on the michigan football message boards about the tsunami and some prayer breakfast at the senate where Tom Delay was quoteing Matthew... anyway, I won't bore you with the details, my brother (bob) and I got into our own conversation about god's intentions.
I tried to explain to him that I don't think God cares: it is what it is. Tsunamis, earthquakes, avalanches, and everything after are job hazards of living on this planet. God can't stop them, and I doubt he wants to... This is not to say that he doesn't grieve the death of people, this is just to say that this world, this life, is what it is. We're born and we die. Void of any real purpose or meaning these two are actually as random as it comes.
what we do while we're here... now that's another story.


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