Monday, December 27, 2004

first off, I hate money. I fucking hate it, its retarded, superficial, and nothing more than an extension of our free time. I hate it. I hate how some people magically have it, I hate how some people magically don't (by magically I mean 'are born with'). you got that greene? money is a hustle and you will never, ever, satisfy your desires if they revolve around, or relate to, money.
the root of all evil mother fuckers. the root of all evil... you hear me? of course you don't...

second. I have no checks and balances. I don't have some woman whining in my ear every day about what I should or shouldn't do. I have no mother telling me what to do (or no father either). I don't even have a sense of responsibility to some 'higher order' that could guide my conduct... in short, I have no checks and balances, only my own ravenous desires... ravenous, or were it apathetic? a little bit of the two... a little bit of the two.

god how I want to be great. god how I love to sleep in. juxtaposed in an everyday effort to go everywhere without moving a muscle. "It occurs to me america that I am talking to my self"...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah i got that! Apparently my desire to make more money offends you or somehow makes me shallow in your eyes. While I understand that the old saying money is the root of all evil is quite catchy the fact of the matter is that some truly extrodinaryn and truly horrible things have come from people having money and being willing to use, donate, or finacially support their desires. which leads me to believe money isn't the intangible. You know I hear you tell me how money is all a hustle but then I ask myself why does he gamble? And I have been told it is because it makes the game more interesting. But if it was just to make the game more entertaining why get so upset with the results? Win or lose it was more enjoyable right. Wrong when you lose and money is involved it makes you angry, Why, because you want and need money. I am not saying I want money to go buy a fancy car or expensive clothes. I want money to move on with my life. I want to eventually pay off my debt to reduce some of the stress between hospitals and court systems. I want to generate enough money to support a move and eventually a family. I am going to be 27 years old and what have I accomplished? A decent education? Some good times lots of good times! But now for what ever reason I feel it is time to move beyond what I am now and focus on what I can become. You know what? I wish it could be done for free. But I have to eat.....and since I am not a farmer, I'm buying.

3:33 PM  

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