Tuesday, December 14, 2004

day two of death week done... I am sooo exhausted, its been weeks of this... and now my final stretch run... I've picked up shifts next monday tuesday wed. also...
been having crazy thoughts on the way home: I am way to fat, pushing 225 and out of the real of that ungodly 220 I always saw as my pinnacle. I want to run or exercise in some way but I don't have time. Instead I dine on at least a pound of beef each night at weber's... its disgusting, understandable, but disgusting...
I have this braclet on my arm, its been here since mexico the first time. I have a cross around my neck... these are the only two pieces of jewlery (ignorring my earings all those years) that I've ever really wore. one is mexico one is christ. It really is that simple.
I like my self when I am simple; its all too often that I am trying oh so hard to be oh so complicated.
I don't know when I decided that depth was defined by levels of character, as opposed to breadth of character, but it has become a confining characteristic (especially when it comes to my own personal happiness)...
human beings are fucked up things. Give them love, give them anything consistent, and they will end up suspicious or dependent.
I don't make the rules I just write the rythmes...
rhymes, I really don't rhyme - there's a little rhythm, a little reason and not much else...
I might as well be twenty seven
I might as well be knee deep in the shit.
my war is a spiritual war
"our war is a spiritual war"
jesus and mexico, its all that I've got...


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