Wednesday, December 01, 2004

if you like man love, you will love ALEXANDAR... boy is that flick gay gay gay...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always bitchin about no one commenting. SO I'll do my best. Work is crazy and I don't get to read this much, but I think I have caught up and am ready to respond to some of your wramblings.

-movie, GAY, not a strong enough term, ASS LUST, better description-
-Man gives cigar to baby. PERFECT-
-don't wait to long for those conversations with grams-
-momma saves finacial ass, good looking out ma! you mammas boy :)-
-watch out for the pills. Just my eduring opinion-
-More of the same more of the same. Consistancy clears the mind or is it numbs the mind?-
-big sissy, big heart, big pussy-
-maintaining balance: refer to consistancy comment-
-Some one say medicine, I like medicine, I like basements, I like Nick, And I break the law. servey says Sodomy is the law people break that is a rediculous law-(like were going to tell her no)

and lastly: Screw Nick, if you like to write then treat it like breathing, Just let it happen-


12:59 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

and now you all know why I love dan the most; not only does he respond but he mentions sodomy...

1:07 AM  

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