Saturday, November 20, 2004

well, nick says I am a pussy about all this... maybe he's right. Maybe I shouldn't write here and I shouldn't try to make anything of my writing. but is this really my writin? not really... its a forum to talk about my life. I put out the info and no one writes back, so what's the point really? writing here is like talking to my wall. I might as well write in my book or talk to my wall...

but really fuck it. I am just trying to make something of my thoughts and this is just another forum... but it never really works... but but but, but you never write back, never... so what's the point?
try try try tyr try try try try try try... I'll try to try... I will hold the candle till it burns of my arm... is that all I am doing here? maybe.

I think I'll take some time and consider all the alternatives...


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