Tuesday, November 30, 2004

twenty-five years ago today my grandfather passed away. Tonight there will be a quiet mass at St. Victors and it will be dedicated to him. I'm going because I love my grandmother and she will like to see me there... I never knew him, though I do have a picture of me as a child at my first birthday. He had given me a cigar to chew on and there I sit in my grandmothers back yard slobbering all over it. I like that image, its a good lasting memory of a man I never met (I say never because I don't remember him at all)... I have to think he wouldn't of liked me much as he was very conservative, but who knows there have been odder couples.
I wonder what my mother thinks, I doubt I'll ask her... I've always intended to record some conversations with my grandmother. When I do we'll eventually get to him. I know they met in D.C. and were married within 6 months, that she loved/s him, that he was stern, but fair, and that they enjoyed cards and nature.
25 years is a long time to be sitting alone in heaven, I wonder if he won't be the most lonely tonight... I'll have to ask him that when I get up there, though I have to assume he's watching me type this right now and that all I'd have to do is say a prayer and I'd know... I'll ask later...


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