Monday, December 13, 2004

one day down in my hell week of work... everyday this week, except wed. when I only sub, I work both jobs. So basically everyday I wake up at 5:30, run all day, and drive home tired as fuck at 11 or 12. I am going to die on sibley...
I am stressed out, really tired all the time. I love it; my tired mind being my friend... today at work I filled in a worksheet with a bunch of rambling thoughts the most prominent of which: I am 27 (really I am only 26) its time to write a record or fade away (actually I wrote its time to die or write a record). Jesus made it over the hump at 27 why can't I?
"sing dance, la la la hey la la la hey la la la la... dark clouds may hang over me some times, but I'll work it out" - sorry I just had to play some guitar before I finish this little ditty...
anyway, I am working a lot. It's not so bad, I feel productive and I'm having some nice realizations.
The next year is very important.


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