Friday, December 10, 2004

When I was a kid I got picked on. I got beat up, I got called names, I even got dragged through a ditch... then one day when in 6th or 7th or 8th grade I bought a pantera album got a weight bench and destroyed my insecurities.... Pantera was everything to me back then. They were the second concert I ever went to, Feb. 1994 ( ten years ago, almost eleven)... anyway, they embodied who I wanted to be back then and it was their music that got me through the most angry/sad days of my life.
Now Dimebag is dead, and really their last couple albums sucked anyway, but it hurts a little to see him go...
not that its like Kurdt Cobain died or something, just that musicians change our lives and he was one of the more influential guitarist of my life... "stronger than all"

on a side note, I just sent out around 60 detentions to kids with excessive tardies. I have become the man... "...all you hear and see on tv is a product..."
(those who don't know - I have taken a long term sub position in the detention room)


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