Monday, January 31, 2005

Nick doesn't like parenthesis in poems. I do, I think they act as a tool to open the reader up to one of the many meanings of a particular word/line/poem. From which point they may make up their own meanings - that is why religion is in parenthesis, its what comes to my mind, and what I want to allude to, however I do not want the word to pull the reader to far from the point of the poem...
Nick doesn't like a lot of the things I do... I guess he just wants me to be a better poet, or person, or whatever... and thats fine. But sometimes I wish that he would realize that I am not going to 'grow up' - there isn't going to be quick fix - and I am never ever going to be able to smooth off my rough edges; I don't even want to. Nick and a lot of other people...
Jimi Hendrix said 'I am what I am, thank god... some people just don't understand...' actually I think it was a buddy miles song but who cares? anyway I like the person that god made me and I believe, I truly believe, that he intended me to be a little bit abrasive and uncomfortable when confronted with comformity, even when I would benefit to follow the pack...
I just don't feel good pressed cleaned and cloned. I actually feel off-balance... and because of that I may never, ever, become the man you think that I should be...

'and the sign says long haired freaky people need not apply'
- I got in before they put the sign up said the old man. I never even read the son of a bitch said the son...


Blogger sleepy jdon said...

I may have grown wiser and a little more mature - but that just makes me all the more certain...

9:49 AM  

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