Sunday, February 13, 2005

man, I want to change the fucking world. Is that too much to ask? somehow, someway, someday I am going to change the world, or at least one street corner...
I've been reading 1984, I went to an english teachers convention today, I am thinking of buying a gun/joining the NRA, and I am coming to understand the corporate ladder... what all this has in common? Not much except this: I want to be an affective teacher, of course, but I also want to combat corporate greed, shameless police searches, and the stagnation of upward mobility. In short, I want to fight the man through the schools. I want everyday to be a war, a silent protest becoming audible, against poverty, lonliness, and self-hate. I think I can do that...
I really do...
You guys are going to see a whole lot more out of me artistically once I get moved in. I have a few ideas right now, but once I get going so much is possible. First, I want to learn how to paint - and I am going to paint my walls and then paint on them. Second, I want to compose a couple anthologies - one out of my poetry, one a couple short stories, and another one or two out of old email conversations. Third I want to edit/construct a magazine, maybe quarterly, consisting of our work. Dan's drawings, Julie's poetry, nick's poetry, leblanc's musing, my brother's poetry, maybe an essay or two, some more drawings, and a little bit of me. fourth I want to start tape recording conversatoins...
those are where I'll start...


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