Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Brother, sister too
Do what you must do
Don’t trust people you meet
They might promise you
That the river ain’t deep"

If you aren't listening to the Gorrillaz, you should be... In school we are going over all the old spanish poems of the siglo de oro and the renacimiento, somewhere from 'El Cid' on into Cervantes and the CElestina... anyway, during the renaisance (sp?) all the spanish artist were writing about god and women, fair enough, but they are making multiple allusions to the old greco-roman writings and traditions (those fuckers love Virgil). So, I am asked to interpret these poems and it may be the hardest thing I've ever done; I just don't know my greek mythology...
the cool thing about these poets is how beat they are - I mean they are alive, in love, and oh so sad... its awesome.


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