Friday, February 04, 2005

someone once said the unexamined life is not worth living. I think I took him too serious...
or maybe I just miss college and living with a bunch of people.
Living alone I spend so much time having conversations with my self. I used to think I would go crazy, but all that has happened is that I've become far more egocentric: my life revolves around me: I'm the only one I talk too...
I've got to get a girlfriend. Not to get laid, not to fill time slots, but rather to have someone to enjoy life with or at least make things a little more interesting...
I think I've let my self down with girls in the past - I certainly haven't given my best effort. And now, since I am lonely, I am going to have to go out and get a girl and I am telling my self that I shouldn't need anyone and I shouldn't get a girl just to have a girl - but thats all lies. Human beings were meant to be together...


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