Wednesday, February 23, 2005

It's all coming together:
woke up this morning, couldn't talk (sore throat)
called off work, drank some medicine.
woke up feeling relieved.
got a call from my new friend.
we're going to hang out next week.
called my brother.
going over there tonight to paint my room.
paint tonight, finish tommorrow, move in friday.
move in, become artist.

my cousin sent me an email the other day about how when he first became a husband he had no idea how to do it, so he just modeled the things he thought a good husband should do. Eventually he became a good husband.
At my mothers I am going to open my self up to any form of art possible in an attempt to become a better writer. by better I mean givign a more concerted effort and actually doing some editting.

My new friend wants to get high. Is it ok to come out of retirement (from marijuana) just for a girl? I don't know, but I am going to give it a run anyway... plus there are so many people I would like to smoke with at work, and not to mention another joint with my dad would be great.

I should smoke pot.
no more pills, just pot.

everything is on the up and up.
more later,


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