Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"One more road to cross
One more risk to take
Gotta live my life like
there's one more move to make" - dmx

for the first time in my life I am pissed about a B+, fucking pissed. It was a paper about the sonnet to a rose by Luis de Gongora and I dominated, however my teacher wrote 'while I do not agree with some of your comments, you have appreciated the essential idea of the poem and present an interesting discussion. I get the sense that this was not proofread very carefully(misspelled words, etc.)' then my favorite part ' your style is a bit repetitive and your choice of words seems inprecise at times'
choice of words imprecise! if there is one fucking thing I can do it is pick the word I want.
misspelled words? where? he doesn't highlight a single one. There are two in spanish, the use of culturanismo was wrong, I wrote culturalismo - poor translation, but the only error in spelling... mother fucker.

The worst part is that my main assumption (that gongora is addressing the renaissance theme of carpe diem and provided an alternate expression - that life is short, don't bloom to early) is denied outright by him 'no carpe diem in this poem, no "enjoy life" but rather don't bloom at all' - no shit sherlock, but who's telling the rose to bloom fuck face? carpe diem...

I am going to stop now because I just realized that there is no way you could possibly know what I am talking about...
the real point is that I am pissed
AND he just left after handing back the essays, no time to talk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you are so much better than a B+ so dont even waste your time being mad about it. But you are right the sad thing is how some profs just suck BIG TIME. Sometimes I am wondering how they actually got the job. Oh well

9:37 AM  

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