Tuesday, November 01, 2005

bad beat of the millenium?

I just lost 1411.75 to eastern michigan. I thought my A-K could stand up and I would walk through another year. They laid down Aces in the hole... fourteen fucking hundred dollars. I now have 50 in the bank account and some 360 or so owed to me... plus another 260... I guess it ain't all that bad, but not I've got to collect and I hate collecting... oh yeah, I have 28.25 in my pocket and some change in a piggy bank back home... I owe 800$ in rent alone... looks like a great time to quit my job, oh wait I already did that...

its almost so unbelievable that its funny...
back to the drawing board.
lets hope seattle covers this weekend,


Blogger sleepy jdon said...

fortunately, seattle covered...
thank god

6:03 PM  

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