Monday, September 19, 2005

so long since I've written; so long since I've cared.
I'll be moving again this week. All I do is move. I'm kind of cheating because in college you have to move out for two weeks every year, but I have not spent 12 straight months in the same place for almost 10 years. Can you imagine? moving every year, most times multiple moves. No wonder I have no sense of home/homestead...
I haven't been home this month anyway, I stay at my girlfriends every night. I like it there, I should move there, but we'll take this step by step; you can't exactly start living with someone after a meer two months. OR can you?
I think I could, hell I think I should, but I won't... and its the right decision.
Cages my friends, cages. You can move from one to another but you'll never be free. not me at least... hell, by todays definition we're all rats. I've always like man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. We just choose the chains, but we've known this for so long... trappings, chains, whatever...
I'd like to write more but I don't know what to say.
I do know that I was giving a student shit today for missing four days last week. Giving her shit until she broke down and told me about her abortion last week... ok, well you can have four days off for an abortion. Poor girl, and me the asshole...


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