Tuesday, September 28, 2004

just got pulled over for running a stop sign... I didn't even see the fucker... thank god I wasn't drinking... thank god I didn't hit anyone/anything...
I swear I am going to die on the side of some road... sleepy... Of all the dangerous things I've done in my life driving tired might be the worse...

I get so tired these days... or maybe I just have so much to do so late. So much ground to cover, so many places to go... there isn't even any rest when I just have to get up the next day... I need a vacation. Thank god I'm going to Mexico next week...

also, who wants to go to Springsteen with me on sunday? I've got two tickets and noone to go with as of yet... I was hoping to take a chick but unfortunately every attractive girl at EMU is married or engaged... I'm sure the ugly ones might want to go...


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