Friday, September 17, 2004

I was talking to my dad last night about my methods course, explaining what I would do if I failed and all that jazz... he asked why I couldn't pass... I didn't have the heart to be honest about the fact that I have very little drive to overcome a difficult opsticle; I'd much rather walk avert the nastiness and come from another angle... here, however, there is no other angle. There is only one way to a teacher degree in spanish and I have to pass this class...

Julie making fun of me down below, saying how I do suck, kind of woke me up too... and gives me something to post on my wall. It's not the assertion that I suck, its the assumption that I could not pass without her, or someone elses, help. fuck that. fuck needing anyone else... I guess I've got to get busy living or get busy dieing (again)...


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