Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Whenever I walk into a room I assume that most people will like me and that I could talk to anyone I please... Whatever confidence problems most people have in sharing there oppinion I simply lack... though this is not how I always have felt. I can remember being intimidated in college classes and party situations, especially bar situations... Anywhere I was on unequal footing, or I should say percieved unequal footing. As I've grown older I've come to conquer each situation and find out how to work with it, from school to work, and party to pad...

however... I would like to work on talking to girls though, especially the random ones I could meet in bar situations. It seems like I can get along with anyone, sometimes. Then other times I see the girl, I see an opening and I just plain fail... I don't know what I am so intimidated of, but I certainly must over come these fears if I'd ever like to get laid again; I simply don't run into enough girls in everyday situations. The work girls are so young, the school girls (ypsi) are unattractive or insane (some are both), and most of my friends friends aren't all that interested...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:16 PM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

I am pretty sure that the only ones who can match my apathy are the ones I'm talking too (such a two fold emotion some times)...
and don't we all have names around here...

10:20 AM  
Blogger sleepy jdon said...

Probably just the situations that I feel are worthy of tact... and its always my own judgement that I follow... Its why the people I've meet through sub teaching think I am well dressed an polished, and the people I meet at school think I am a jersey tottin' mouth runnin' mother fucker... Its all the different little me's I've created... come to think of it, every morning when I put on an outfit I tend to pick a persona, or rather the persona picks the outfit...
and don't we all have names here? tough to talk to the darkness; I haven't been to church in a while...

3:16 PM  

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