Thursday, September 02, 2004

third times a charm... so we shall see...
I've had to uproot and change directions/homes so many times the last eight or nine years. I've lived in no less than twelve different places, not counting countless couches between moves. I've lived with no less than 38 seperate people (most liked me, a few didn't, one or two have no desire to ever talk to me again...). So many homes, so many different people. From downriver, to ann arbor, on to ypsi through mexico back to ypsi and downriver again...
It's hard to not see life as a cycle..
in moving on, from place to place, I've learned to embrace what little nostalga remains and couple it with the opportunistic angel of each and every new face: walk into a new house and you may just walk into a new person...
right now, leaving ypsi means escaping school, whether I am out of there or not... it also means escaping the grunge and grime of that place and the people I hung around with there... Moving in at BG's means a quieter home and a refreshment of old high school friends. but more importantly, figuratively at least, it means I am a step away from college and an inch closer to adulthood... not quite there but on the way...
night to dawn life remakes itself every day; get busy living or get busy dieing... they may sound cliche but its how I feel today...
I worked out today. first time in months...


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