Wednesday, October 27, 2004

it just hit me - you know why I am such a child? because I've spent my whole life being told not to grow up, not to grow cold, not give up, and to fight the world to the teeth... and I've believed it. The last few years I've fought with the fodder of life and tryed not to buy in, or 'sell out' if you prefer, but what am I winning? (even as I type I am remembering that at least I am alive ulike all those dummy's out there with mortgages, payments, children, and jobs they hate - at least I'm not them)

I've created quite the conundrum. Grow up, get a job, and sell out everything I've ever believeed or drop out, get a crappy job, create art, and live a pure life void of money/success and void of all the comforts...

and don't give me that middle ground bullshit. middle ground artist suck.


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