Sunday, October 24, 2004

I was about to get on here and just roast everyone around me but I've since calmed... my mother, bless her soul, is the dumbest person I have ever met. today she went out to dinner with my ex-step father who is trying to win her back. you know, the cocaine tottin', verbal abusin' asshole that she used to call a husband. what the fuck is wrong with her?
it fucking kills me. Whatever happened to carrying a grudge? whatever happened to spiting those who have treated you poorly? even jesus turned his cheek and walked away...
My memory is not so short. I hate that fucker and everything he stands for. This is the man that punched me when I was 13 and called the cops when it was time to fight at 19... ahhhh fuck! I just don't get it. I don't understand. I can forgive but I just can't forget.
"fuck your short memories"


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