Wednesday, October 20, 2004

and the obsurdity continues... I was named employee of the month at work today. Interesting considering they fired me last year. Although I was fired for swearing at a customer and not for my 'work performance' and my bosses did want to keep me... working at Weber's is so simple: you show up, you do what you've got to do, and you go home. If you've been there for two or three years and IF you are even moderately intelligent the job gets easier every week; through trial and error you should learn the easiest way to get things done...
Every week I show up and tell Justin that my goal is to do nothing that day and every week an hour or so later, as we are busting our ass to make sure everything gets done right, we laugh about how we HAVE to do everything just to make the job go smoother... it's a good job, I like it... but I could see my self getting fired again a month from now... wouldn't that be ironic?


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