Saturday, October 02, 2004

I can't believe I am about to say this but... fuck alcohol. I mean it fuck alcohol. Too many people take a sip and are completely different. It's disgusting... I don't even like being around it some times... the thing is alcohol is just like any other drug and is only going to let out your bottled up emotions and intensify your feelings to the point where you are laughing, crying, living or dieing. lately to many people have been crying.
IF you are in a bad mood, don't fucking drink. It's that simple. It's fucking disgusting...
you know, I am about to embark on two weeks of shot after shot tequila drinking celebration, and its going to be great, but I don't know if I'll touch the shit when I get back. And its not even me, its the fucking idiots I hang out with... everyone gets so emotional, or wants to fight, or blah blah blah... if you are drinking and doing anythign other than enjoying your self get off the fucking wagon and leave me alone...

I just trying to enjoy my buzz, why you'll gotta fuck with it?


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