Wednesday, October 06, 2004

it only took twentyfour hours and now I'm two beer in, third in hand, and finally I recognize the mexico yo recuerdo... was I really that drunk the whole time? was it all just a dream? did I really stay here two months and drink every single day... I think I did... and here I go again. The beauty here is that the beers are solomente fifty cents and the insights are free...
all is well. I've picked up my journal from last time - reread it on the flight, seems I was in love with a girl last time, and that it faded after about twenty pages... I don't remember allowing the girl to dominate so many of the pages, although I guess when we write we don't really explain what we understand we attempt to explore what intrigues, and confuses, us... but enough about that insight... ahorra estoy aqui y todo esta bien, mis amigos estan lo mismos (con trabajos) y la ciudad es as angelic as it always was... I love the mountains, I love, love, love the land here, I don't know how I can stay in such a flat state... gotta get out of that place... he hablado todo el dia con el padre de la casa, we went to a mercado, bought food, and the whole time he's teaching me life with a little bit of spanish intertwined...
Nick, you'll never believe what I wrote in my journal: I will send it to you because maybe you and greene are right about the girls, maybe I am wasting my time...
and another thing, its time I stop being a dumbass and start making decisions that yeild the desired results: to go through life acting one way and wanting another is as idiotic as it gets... not that I am an idiot just that sometime I am a hard head or a dreamer, both destructive as it gets...


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