Thursday, June 02, 2005

starry starry night...

some things you can understand perfectly. So much so that you can almost see the future. Touch it, if you will. And yet for all your tampering and all your understanding you can do little more than watch the opportunity pass sadder still because you understand that there could be an alternate ending.

Sometimes its something in your life (usually) but today I'll just focus on the pistons. You simply can't win when one party becomes mechanic. Whether through purpose or simple defense mechanism, Larry Brown doesn't have the time to be emotional and now his players are Xing and Oing themselves to death. The alternate party, here the players, can't help but frustradely carry on the now charade of the other only to the point of getting angry and they themselves out of the game as well.

Sometimes we as a people we lose sight of our lives in the grander spectrum. Maybe we can't talk about it anymore because no one is listening and we've been pigeonholed - see larry brown. Or maybe we've just been trapped into this myth of survival.
I say myth because no one is going to be here for ever. All the more reason to go out there and get to work on what is in front of you. Not what just happened, not what may happen, but what is here right now. Life is way too short to become uninvolved emotionally and that rings true from the basketball court, on through our workplace, and right on into our bed rooms...


Blogger sleepy jdon said...

Super Pistons 88
heat beeeyotches not fucking enough

3:32 PM  

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