Monday, November 01, 2004

On Dropping Out:
You can place another failure Amidst the "you can't fire me because I quit" vein; its not like I was going to pass anyway... and maybe I am a little sad because I didn't have the heart to make up for my inefficiencies but I am relieved to have a load of expectations off my back: sometimes failure is an option. What's it that Leblanc always says "no matter how many miles you've gone down the wrong road..." and that is how i feel. I knew class with anne would be a bitch, hell I knew I would fail, remember that one bitch chewing me out on here?. Well, here I am a bona fide failure - I've got papers and everything.
Fortunately I've been here before and I know that this is not my end or at least "what we call an end is often a begining". Now I have time to take care of my deficiencies and prepare to reenroll (somewhere, not EMU) and to become a teacher.
I know i have it in me to become a great teacher, a world changing teacher, but I also know that I have not come even close to maximizing my potential, truly I might not even know how to maximize my potential... but I will.

and greene says I am too angry here. well, I think we all need to remember that this is where I rant more often than I rave. If I was happy why the hell would I write?


Blogger sleepy jdon said...

actually things aren't near as bad, everything is turning up roses since i dropped that evil class. I even may be able to student teach english this winter.

2:10 PM  

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