Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour."

When comes down to it nothing gold can stay; thats just how it works. I have seen nothing to the contrary and hold little faith that such a truth may change... this being the one fundamental truth (or at least one of the more prominant) leads to my fundamental truth that good writing is driven not by pain and anguish but by the struggle to make great things last. Plain and simple. So, why would I write about what is right when I would rather choose to explore the comings and going, the failures, and the almost were's of our life?

It has been brought to my attention by Shannon and Dan that this page appears a little pessimistic at times, but the truth of the matter is that I use writing to fix problems: to assess life's situations and to repair or at least understand whatever it is that may cause problems in my life. Now why the fuck would I write about what is right?
I think we need some sort of understanding that most of what goes here is a rant or a rave driven by the emotions of the minute, and more importantly the angry emotions of a minute. It's just a place to spout off at the mouth... some people have even gone so far as label me anally expulsive (I don't know why), if such a thing were then my only defense would be that once I've bitched and whined I usually let most things go. and again we are back to why I write here... to let go... to let go to my friends and hopefully recieve some feedback (you fuckers here that, feedback!) so lets read and lets comment but lets never forget that I love my life, I get up happy every day, and I go to bed comfortable every night, I'm just not going to write about it here. how gay would I sound if I posted: talked to dan sunday, watched football, remembered why we're such good friends, I sure like him... that would just be crap. happiness is crap in the world of writing (cause if you're happy why you writing? and not living that is?)
if that makes any sense


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