I've taken to drinking a, near daily, regimen of white russians... they just seem to soothe the soul. Sometimes is whiskey, jack and the like, others its vodka, but always it's something once again...
the importance of drinking alcohol cannot be overstated, or undermatched. I've seen so many great men sober up by stepping down and always, almost always, the just don't seem to have it any more. Is the alcohol the stem of our greatness? Not nearly, it is but rather a symptom of the search for excellence. Yes that excellence, the one that kerouac had...
I honestly believe that if we are to view the world from every angle then we must bend the lens and distort our vision so that maybe we can see it again, for a second time, and find the true meaning behind the movements...
the importance of drinking alcohol cannot be overstated, or undermatched. I've seen so many great men sober up by stepping down and always, almost always, the just don't seem to have it any more. Is the alcohol the stem of our greatness? Not nearly, it is but rather a symptom of the search for excellence. Yes that excellence, the one that kerouac had...
I honestly believe that if we are to view the world from every angle then we must bend the lens and distort our vision so that maybe we can see it again, for a second time, and find the true meaning behind the movements...