Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've taken to drinking a, near daily, regimen of white russians... they just seem to soothe the soul. Sometimes is whiskey, jack and the like, others its vodka, but always it's something once again...

the importance of drinking alcohol cannot be overstated, or undermatched. I've seen so many great men sober up by stepping down and always, almost always, the just don't seem to have it any more. Is the alcohol the stem of our greatness? Not nearly, it is but rather a symptom of the search for excellence. Yes that excellence, the one that kerouac had...

I honestly believe that if we are to view the world from every angle then we must bend the lens and distort our vision so that maybe we can see it again, for a second time, and find the true meaning behind the movements...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Five years later the greatest tragedy is that the war is ongoing: chaos has been installed, fear marketed, and all the while we conveniently forget that people are still dieing every single fucking day over there...
I have a hard time thinking that god views local Iraqui corpses with any less sorrow the the american soldiers who pass away each day... thing is, I see loses on both sides and neither number is going to come down in the next 5 year.

Where will we be 10 years in? I hope I am not explaining to my son or daughter just what happened to the notion of freedom in the midst of a never-ending war.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Possession is the problem. We are a society rooted in notions of possession. I don't care if you smoke, cause its your idea, your decision. I don't want you to stop me from drinking cause its mine: it's my body. Or is it?
Does God have possession of my body? If there is no God, then am I simply renting my body from the dirt? And where will I ever be going anyway?
Possession and individuality. The two hand in hand. How do you hinder one without ruining the other? How can you have one without the other?
Individuality isn't the problem, or is it?